The deepest gloom, dark and thick decends on your heart without a cause, warning or apology in the middle of a working day, just like that
Cribs, Carps, Complaints
Whatever you may say S, it IS the work, and the workplace that takes over your life; makes you forget about yourself, forget you're a woman, forget what it's like to have time for yourself, for friends, books, music, prayers; makes you forget what it's like to spend a sunday sitting around with a green face pack on and cucumber slices on the eyes' makes you forget birthdays, bill due-dates, promises; makes you grow jaded, tired, frumpy, crabbity and more... in more ways than one. Oh, and fat.
No matter what you say, it IS the workplace.
Why stick then, you ask? I wish i knew... laziness i guess :-/. And maybe for the love of a few good men like you.
But that's not the point. The point is... i'm getting married in 5 months and i need a beach-body before that. What am i gonna do??? Can someone please tell me how long it takes to get there (to the beach body, i mean). Considering i'm average built with a slightly well endowed posterior. Like so many other Indian women :(
What am i gonna do!!!???